Contract Overview
SEWP-V Issuing Agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Type of Contract: Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) available to all federal agencies.
Contract Number: NNG15SC66B (Category B, Group C)
How to contact SEWP:
NASA SEWP Helpline: (301) 286-1478
This helpline will point you to the customer service team for any order issues and services.
NASA SEWP Orders: FAX (301) 286-0317
ORDERING GUIDE: click here (pdf)
SEWP V Surcharge: 0.34% on all contract orders.
Period of Performance: 5/1/2015 – 4/30/2020 (option exercised 5/1/2020 – 4/30/2025)
Contract Value: Not-to-Exceed $20 billion
Fair Opportunity: FAR 16.505(b) (1) provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order exceeding $10,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. Using the SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP QRT tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source.
SEWP Information Technology Products and Services:
NASA SEWP V Home Page:
SEWP Quote Request Tool (“QRT”) is the recommended method for obtaining quotes.
CSP NASA SEWP Contract Holder Info:
SEWP Program Manager:
Samanthia Silke
1539 Tilco Drive, Suite 108
Frederick, MD 21704
301-695-9517 (O)
540-660-1741 (M)
General SEWP Overview: Firm-fixed-price, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ),with a $25 minimum per order of supplies or services, and a per contract maximum of $20 billion. Each contract will have an effective ordering period of 10 years, consisting of a five-year base period from May 1, to April 30, 2020, and one five-year option to extend the period of performance through April 30, 2025.
SEWP V contracts streamline the process of providing federal agencies with state-of-the-art tablets, desktops and servers; IT peripherals; network equipment; storage systems; security tools; software products; cloud-based services; video conferencing systems, and other IT and audio-visual products; as well as related services such as installation, training and maintenance. All federal agencies and their contractors can place orders through this GWAC. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, procures and manages the SEWP V effort.
The SEWP (Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurements) contracts are open to NASA civil employees, NASA contractors, federal agencies and federal agency contractors. This document explains how to procure through SEWP. The contracts are managed and administered by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) at the NASA SEWP Program Management Office (PMO).
SEWP contracts focus on Information Technology product: servers, peripherals, software, supporting equipment and associated training, installation and implementation solutions. Click here to read more.
For more information on the SEWP V program, visit
View Contract Award | Contract Terms and Conditions Section I A.1 – A.1.27
What is SEWP V?
Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP, pronounced ‘soup’), is a multi-award Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle focused on IT products and product based services. SEWP V is the fifth such contract awarded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).¹
What products and services are available through SEWP V?
Pre-competed SEWP V contract holders offer a wide range of advanced technology including tablets, desktops and servers, IT peripherals, network equipment, storage systems, security tools, software products, cloud based services, video conferencing systems and other IT and Audio-Visual products. Product based services such as installation, training, maintenance and warranty are also available through SEWP.
Who can use SEWP?
As an OMB authorized GWAC, the SEWP V contract can be utilized by all federal agencies. The statutory authority allowing usage of the SEWP contracts by the entire Federal Government is NASA’s designation as an Executive Agent by OMB based on the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) of 1996, now the Clinger Cohen Act.²
Why use SEWP?
SEWP offers low prices (generally below GSA schedule prices), the lowest surcharge (0.34%)³ and the easiest and fastest ordering procedure using pre-competed contracts.
Through SEWP, agencies can find an exact fit for their needs at the best overall value by searching the Web and choosing the right solutions offered directly by leading hardware and software manufacturers and experienced Government integrators.
Are Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) allowed on SEWP
SEWP does not have a structure available that is identical to the GSA BPA arrangement. However, SEWP has the ability to be used for Delivery Orders with Options (DOWOs) and along with the Fair Opportunity procedures in FAR Part 16.505(b), some of the functionality related to Purchase Agreements can be applied to the SEWP process. This functionality is as follows:
- If an Agency has a requirement to purchase a set of known in-scope items and products but is uncertain of the timing of those purchases, a Request for Quote (RFQ) can be submitted using Fair Opportunity guidelines to one or more SEWP Contract Groups;
- The Agency may award one or more Delivery Orders based on the quotes received. This initial set-up Delivery Order would set the price of the items as quoted. The maximum time for the existence of this order and any instructions for exercising options / placing option calls against the original quote and initial Delivery Order should be noted in this initial order
- Agency officials may then follow the procedures as stated in the set-up Delivery Order to place orders against the initial quote. This is per the FAR Part 16 exception to Fair Opportunity for logical follow-ons to a Delivery Order, which was itself awarded based on Fair Opportunity.
- Any substantive change to the initial quote and subsequent initial Delivery Order, such as increasing the scope of products quoted, would require a renewed Quoting and ordering cycle including issuing a new RFQ following Fair Opportunity procedures.
The actual usage and set-up of the initial Delivery Order is the Contracting Officer’s responsibility. DOWOs can be awarded for a period not to exceed 5 years in duration.
What is an Agency Catalog?
An Agency Catalog is a dedicated and pre-competed ordering vehicle populated with products and/or services, as defined within a Federal Agency’s requirements documentation, and as available for procurement through the SEWP V contracts.
The products/services identified in the Agency’s requirements are competed among the selected group(s) of SEWP Contract Holders, resulting in two or more Contract Holders selected for ongoing competition and fulfillment of each order through the life of the catalog.
Catalogs provide Agencies with speed and flexibility, offering ‘point and click, on-demand purchasing’ (similar to an e-commerce website), with no restrictions on the quantity purchased or frequency of usage.
When is an Agency Catalog a viable option?
When an Agency’s procurement has some (or all) of the following criteria, an Agency Catalog may be a viable option to consider:
- Known Set of Specifications / Requirement
- Unpredictable Procurement Ordering Cycle
- Unpredictable volume and/or funding of products/solutions
- Standard technology updates
- Multiple ordering locations
If you have questions about Agency Catalogs or would like to discuss setting one up for your Agency, please email:
Unlike the traditional catalog-based contract where requests for products are based on what is currently available in a catalog, SEWP is a request-based contract vehicle where the catalog is based on customer requests. SEWP has an on-line, dynamic, constantly updated catalog. As long as your requirements are within the scope* of the SEWP contracts, you can send out a Request for Quote or a Request for Information (RFI) for the products/services you are looking to obtain. The Contract Holders will add the items to the contract based on your request and send you back a quote.
*See to view the list of what is currently within scope on SEWP. Any questions concerning scope can be sent to
For more information about the SEWP V program, visit